Life Expectancy for your Home

Life Expectancy for your Home


Your home is made of many parts, some seen and some unseen.  From the roof to the foundation, a home consists of literally thousands of components.

Given the realities of day-to-day use, how long do some components last?

What is life expectancy of a roof?  It depends on the weather as well as appropriate maintenance and quality of the materials.  Slate, copper and clay/concrete roofs have the highest life expectancy of lasting more than 50 years.  Wood Shakes can last up to 30 years with asphalt shingles lasting approximately 20 years.  Make sure you maintain your roof, if you see any signs of damage, call a professional to repair it.

Just like different types of roofs, there are different types of windows with different life expectancies.  Wooden windows can last upwards of 30 years.  Aluminum windows can be expected to last 15 to 20 years.  Make sure you maintain your window glazing, the putty that secures the glass to the sash.  When you notice the glaze is cracked and resulting in a draft, chip away the old putty and install new.

Assess exterior paint regularly for dirt, mold, cracking, peeling, fading and rusting.  Repair immediately by scrubbing or power washing to save you from much more costly repainting jobs down the road.

Insulation can be expected to last a lifetime if properly installed and kept dry.  This ensures reduced energy use and expenses.

Maintenance, proper installation, the level of use and the quality of materials play a significant effect of life expectancy of many components in your home.

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