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REALTOR® Action Center

The National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) and the Illinois REALTORS® track the issues most vital to our industry and provide the REALTOR® Action center as a means for you to voice your opinion.

Active REALTORS® receive e-mail campaigns asking for help on certain issues affecting real estate.  This usually means simply clicking a link in the message, filling out your name, and hitting the “send” button.  Illinois REALTORS® and NAR have made this process fast and user-friendly.
It is vital to make our stance on the most important issues known, but it takes every single one of our members to participate to eventually reach 1,000 e-mail contacts.  That is a number that will definitely get the attention of the key decision makers!

Click here to review the latest Calls to Action and sign up to receive e-mail notifications.
Thank you for your support!

RPAC: The REALTORS® Political Action Committee

REALTORS® Political Action Committee (RPAC) is the greatest business insurance you can ever invest in. The Southwestern Illinois Board of REALTORS®, Illinois REALTORS® and the National Association of REALTORS® are some of the most active groups across the nation when it comes to government affairs. You, the REALTOR® have a government lobbying presence at the local, state, and federal government.

Whether discussing land use policy at your county or city government, fighting to ensure you get the best Illinois Real Estate License Act or the most generous federal tax program for your clients – RPAC is on the front lines supporting the candidates that support you.

RPAC supports candidates who foster positions favorable to the real estate business and even more importantly, to this country’s property owners.

With each dollar we raise for RPAC, 70 percent is retained by the state, with 30 percent going to the national level.

Individual participation in the political process ensures that our REALTOR® viewpoint on industry issues is heard at all levels of government.

Through RPAC, we are investing in the future direction of this country; its laws at the local, state, and national level; and in the idea of home ownership and private property rights.

If you are not at the table, then you are on the table!

RPAC investments also help bring placemaking grants for our communities, legislative breakfasts, and fundraising grants for our local RPAC efforts.

For any questions on RPAC or our lobbying efforts on your behalf, please call your Local Government Affairs Director Ron Deedrick at 618.562.3056 or email:

Government Affairs

Welcome friend and thank you for visiting the Government Affairs for the Southwestern Illinois Board of REALTORS®!
I hope you find the information useful in understanding the ongoing real estate issues in your area, state, and nation.

Our Government Affairs committee relies on the association’s membership to provide information about proposed ordinances, zoning changes, sign ordinances, and any other changes impacting the real estate industry and property rights at a local level.

I strongly urge you to contact me with any concerns or questions you may have about potential federal, state, or local legislation.  I can be reached at 618.562.3056 or by email at

Thank you for the opportunity to serve you.  I look forward to working with you on behalf of all REALTORS® and property owners.


Ron Deedrick
Illinois REALTORS®
Local Government Affairs Director

Realtor® Party

REALTOR® Party is a program created by the Illinois REALTORS® that allows state and local REALTOR® associations to select a variety of grants, services, and turn-key implementation services that aid in building advocacy and community outreach programs.

By utilizing your Government Affairs Director’s energy and efforts, your association will receive one-on-one interaction with consultants to build advocacy and community outreach programs that best fit your association’s needs.

I strongly encourage you to visit the REALTOR® Party website today, review the available programs and services, and contact me at about opportunities you wish to receive.

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